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Civil Money Penalties

Penalties were updated August 8, 2024 in the Federal Register. The adjusted civil monetary penalty amounts apply to penalties assessed on or after August 8, 2024, if the violation occurred on or after November 2, 2015.

U.S.C. Section(s) Description 2024 Maximum Adjusted Penalty ($)
USC 1320a-7e(b)(6)(A); 42 CFR 1003.810 Penalty for failure to report any final adverse action taken against a health care provider, supplier, or practitioner.
USC 11131(c); 42 CFR 1003.810 Penalty for failing to report a medical malpractice claim to National Practitioner Data Bank.
USC 11131(c); 42 CFR 1003.810 Penalty for breaching confidentiality of information reported to National Practitioner Data Bank.